泥螃蟹或軟殼螃蟹 1 磅 (450克)
麵粉 (若用软殼螃蟹) 4大匙
*菜油 3大匙
蒜頭(切碎) 8 瓣
新鮮紅辣椒(切碎) 5 條
雞蛋 1 粒青蔥 (切斷) 2 棵
新鮮酸柑或檸檬 (榨汁) 1茶匙
芫荽 (香菜) 1小棵
*菜油 - 用來炸香軟殼螃蟹
水 1 杯
番茄醬 5大匙
糖 (隨個人口味) 1.5大匙 - 3大匙
玉米粉 1.5大匙
豆醬或 miso 1大匙
鹽 1/4茶匙
1. 以高熱度燒熱油鍋後倒入蒜頭炒約一分鐘再加入紅辣椒炒至出味。
2. 如果採用泥螃蟹,這時可將它倒入鍋中然後翻炒至螃蟹殼開始呈現紅色。
3. 接著把調味料倒入炒勻後用鍋蓋蓋住再煮至螃蟹殼變成紅色。
4. 將雞蛋攪拌成蛋汁倒入鍋中煮熟,淋上酸柑汁或檸檬汁,再加上芫荽 (香菜) 即可盛入盤中端出。
5. 如果採用軟殼螃蟹,先將它斬成四塊狀、擠乾水分、撒上麵粉,然後把它炸至香脆以及呈金黃色。
6. 採用以上調味料,將它炒勻。
7. 在上桌前將調味料放入軟殼螃蟹翻炒即可。
- 1 lb (450g) mud crabs or soft shelled crabs
- 4 tbsp plain flour if using soft shelled crabs
- 3 tbsp vegetable oil*
- 8 cloves garlic, roughly chopped
- 8 fresh red chilli, roughly chopped
- 1 egg
- 2 spring onions (scallions), cut into finger length
- 1 tsp freshly squeezed lime or lemon juice
- 1 small bunch coriander plant (cilantro)
- 1 cup of water
- 5 tbsp tomato catsup
- 1 1/2 to 3 tbsp sugar, or according to taste
- 1 1/2 tsp cornflour
- 1 tsp pounded brown preserved soya beans or dark miso (optional)
- 1/4 tsp salt
1. Heat the oil in a wok or shallow saucepan over high heat.
2. Add garlic and stir-fry for 1 minute.
3. Add the chilli, stir-fry till fragrant.
4. For mud crabs, add at this stage.
5. Fry well till shells start turning red, add sauce ingredients stir well, cover with lid and simmer till shells are red.
6. Break eggs into the wok and streak with a fork, simmer till cooked.
7. Squeeze lime juice over and stir in scallions.
8. For soft-shelled crabs, cut each crab into four, dry well, dredge in flour and deep fry till golden brown and crispy.
9. Make the sauce as above, but omit the mud crabs.
10.Toss soft shelled crabs in sauce just before serving.
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