- 雞 1 只 (2 磅)
- 青蔥 (切斷) 1 棵
- 姜 (去皮) 4 片
- 菜油或雞油 (雞脂肪熬成油) 6大匙
- 蒜頭 (切末) 6 - 8 瓣
- 長谷米 (洗凈, 瀝干水分) 四杯
- 細鹽 1茶匙
- 新鮮酸柑或檸檬 (榨汁) 2 - 3 茶匙
- 紅辣椒 (切末) 5大匙
- 蒜頭 (切碎) 6 瓣
- 姜 (切末) 3大匙
- 細鹽 1茶匙
- 雞湯(煮滾) 1/2 杯
1. 將一大鍋水煮開。
2. 將青蔥和姜放入雞肚內。
3. 接著將雞浸入沸水,雞胸向下。
4. 轉小火煨煮,保持水溫在1000C以下並且蓋住煮大約40分鐘。
5. 之後,將雞取出,浸在冰水中待它冷卻 (這樣雞肉才會嫩和富有彈性)。
6. 燒熱油鍋,倒入姜末炒香。
7. 接著把米倒入翻炒大約2 分鐘後再加入鹽一起攪均勻。
8. 把炒好的米倒入飯鍋,加入適量的雞湯 (湯必須掩蓋米超過半英尺) 將飯煮熟即可。
9. 將雞切塊,配與雞飯和辣椒醬食用。可拌以黑醬油一起食用。
Originating from Hainan in China, this dish is ubiquitous, one of the most popular everyday meal. Chicken is slow poached whole, allowed to cool to room temperature and cut up into bite-sized pieces. Rice is then cooked with the flavorful chicken broth. Cucumbers, scallions and cilantro garnishes the chicken. A small side of the chicken broth is usually served as well. And always - a must-have dipping sauce made of red chilies, garlic, ginger and lime juice completes the meal.
- 1 (2-pound) chicken
- 1 scallion, cut into 1 inch pieces
- 4 slices fresh, peeled ginger
- 6 tbsp vegetable oil or chicken oil rendered from chicken fat
- 6 to 8 cloves garlic, finely chopped
- 4 cups long-grain uncooked rice, washed and drained
- 1 tsp fine salt
Mix together for Chilli Sauce
- 2 to 3 tbsp freshly squeezed lime or lemon juice
- 5 tbsp finely chopped fresh red chilies
- 5 cloves garlic, chopped
- 3 tbsp finely chopped ginger
- 1 tsp fine salt
- 1/2 cup boiling hot chicken soup
1. Boil a large pot of water.
2. Stuff the cavity of the chicken with scallion and ginger.
3. Add chicken to boiling water, breast side-down.
4. Lower the heat to a simmer just under boiling point and cook, covered until just cooked through, about 40 minutes.
5. Bathe the chicken in an ice water bath till chicken is cold to create a tender, springy texture.
6. Heat oil in a rice cooker, add garlic, stir fry till fragrant.
7. Add uncooked rice, stir fry for two minutes, add salt and enough chicken soup to cover 1/2 inch above the top of the rice.
8. Boil on high heat, lower heat when steam holes form, cover and steam for 30 minutes till rice is cooked.
9. Chop chicken and serve with steaming hot rice and chilli sauce.
10.vDark soya sauce is the ideal accompaniment.
[The English recipe is originated from http://www.malaysianfood.net/]
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