- 500克(1磅)中等长度对虾
- 2杯去皮青葱
- 20个干红辣椒,热水软化
- 1汤匙 Belacan (虾膏)
- 3汤匙干虾米,水中浸泡软化
- 10个白果
- 1汤匙姜黄根粉
- 1汤匙香菜粉
- 2颗柠檬草,压碎的白色枝干部分
- 4汤匙油
- 4杯椰奶
- 2汤匙盐
- 1汤匙糖
- 胡椒粉
- 500克(1磅)粗干米粉
- 300克(约9盎司)豆芽,用水烫熟
- 200克(7盎司)干玻璃面,用水烫熟,沥干
- 4个新鲜红辣椒,捣碎
- 根据口味放盐
- 1根黄瓜,去皮去芯,拍碎
- 4个干鱼饼,切片
- 1束喇沙(叶),细细切碎
- 100克(约 3 盎司)新鲜扇贝,可选
1. 烧一锅水,将对虾煮至发红。
2. 捞出剥皮晾凉,备用。
3. 将青葱、红辣椒、虾膏、干虾米和白果细细捣碎。
4. 在面酱中加入香料粉。准备一口较大的锅,便于制作虾酱汤。
5. 锅中放油加热。
6. 将香料酱炒至棕黄色,加入柠檬草,不时加入少量的水以防炒糊。
7. 最後油浮上表面,将备好的对虾加入锅中,然後倒入椰奶,不断搅拌以防凝固,直到最後锅内沸腾。
8. 根据自己口味,放入适量的盐、糖和胡椒粉。
9. 在另一口锅内烧水煮米粉,直至米粉外软内韧。
10. 沥干水,将米粉分到各个碗里。
11. 上面放少量玻璃面和豆芽。
12. 加上对虾、鱼饼片、拍碎的黄瓜和喇沙叶作装饰。
13. 倒上热椰奶虾酱汤,配上一团加盐的辣椒面,上桌享用。

Noodles in Spiced Coconut Soup - Laksa Lemak, usually refers to the Chinese-Malay or Nyonya style of laksa sometimes called Nyonya Laksa, or even Laksa Siam in Penang. Lots of fresh aromatic herbs goes into the making of the soupy gravy. The key ingredient that makes this version of laksa rich and robust is coconut milk.
2 lb fresh yellow egg [chow mein noodles]
2 lb fresh shrimps, save shells to make 2 cups shrimp stock
1 onion, quartered
4-6 cloves garlic, smashed
3-4 tbsp peanut or vegetable oil
10 sprigs laksa leaves [Vietnamese mint, Holy mint or Polygonum odoratum] [Substitute: fresh mint sprigs]
4 stalks lemongrass, trimmed and bashed
4 sprigs curry leaves [optional]
Salt and pepper
1-1½ tbsp sugar
2 cans coconut milk
8 cups water
4 pieces dried tamarind skins [asam gelugor] [Substitute: ½ cup key lime juice]
4 tbsp or to taste, chili paste
20 shallots
2 tbsp coriander seeds
1 inch fresh turmeric root [lengkuas], sliced
2 inch fresh galangal [lengkuas in Malay], sliced
1 tbsp belacan, also spelt belachan or blacan [dried shrimp paste]
FYI : Laksa Lemak is also referred to as 'Nyonya Laksa' or 'Nyonya Laksa Lemak', and also 'Laksa Siam' in Penang.[ Nyonya is sometimes spelt Nonya].
Ingredients for Garnishing :
- cooked shrimp [from making the stock]
- 4 cups fresh bean sprouts
- 4 tbsp shallots, sliced thinly, fried golden brown
- 2 cups seedless cucumber, finely shredded
- 1 fresh pineapple, cut into thin strips [Substitute: 4 to 6 oz canned pineapple]
- 2 red onions, very thinly sliced
- 3 torch ginger [bunga kantan], finely chopped [optional]
- 4 red Serrano chilies, seeded, finely sliced [optional]
- 10 sprigs fresh mint leaves, stems discarded
- 12 kaffir limes, cut into halves
To Prepare :
- Using a mortar & pestle or blender, grind chili paste, belacan, galangal, turmeric root, shallots and coriander seeds into a paste
- Peel shrimp, save shells, roughly pound shrimp shells [if preferred, set aside a few shrimps in the shell, for presentation]
- In a stockpot add onion, garlic, 2 cups water, simmer 15-20 mins to extract maximum flavor, strain, discard shells
- Add shrimp to stock, cook until just opaque, remove shrimp with a slotted spoon, set aside for garnish [if preferred, cook a few shrimps in the shell, for presentation]
- Heat wok, add peanut or vegetable oil, add ground paste, stir-fry until quite toasted and oil starts to ooze from paste - do not burn!
- Add shrimp stock, bring to a boil, simmer rapidly 3 mins, then transfer into a stockpot
- In the stockpot, coconut milk, the rest of the water, lemongrass stalks, sugar, dried tamarind skins [asam gelugur ], curry leaves [optional], and season with salt and pepper
- Simmer on med heat for 20-30 mins
- Do a taste for salt and sugar, add accordingly and keep soup hot on low heat, for serving
- Using a sieve, blanch noodles in hot water to warm up noodles
- Assemble individual serving bowls - put some bean sprouts into a bowl, followed by a handful of noodles, ladle piping hot soup over noodles and garnish with a little of each - fried shallots, cucumber, pineapple, onions, mint leaves, torch ginger [optional], red Serrano chilies [optional] and a lime half
2 lb fresh yellow egg [chow mein noodles]
2 lb fresh shrimps, save shells to make 2 cups shrimp stock
1 onion, quartered
4-6 cloves garlic, smashed
3-4 tbsp peanut or vegetable oil
10 sprigs laksa leaves [Vietnamese mint, Holy mint or Polygonum odoratum] [Substitute: fresh mint sprigs]
4 stalks lemongrass, trimmed and bashed
4 sprigs curry leaves [optional]
Salt and pepper
1-1½ tbsp sugar
2 cans coconut milk
8 cups water
4 pieces dried tamarind skins [asam gelugor] [Substitute: ½ cup key lime juice]
4 tbsp or to taste, chili paste
20 shallots
2 tbsp coriander seeds
1 inch fresh turmeric root [lengkuas], sliced
2 inch fresh galangal [lengkuas in Malay], sliced
1 tbsp belacan, also spelt belachan or blacan [dried shrimp paste]
FYI : Laksa Lemak is also referred to as 'Nyonya Laksa' or 'Nyonya Laksa Lemak', and also 'Laksa Siam' in Penang.[ Nyonya is sometimes spelt Nonya].
Ingredients for Garnishing :
- cooked shrimp [from making the stock]
- 4 cups fresh bean sprouts
- 4 tbsp shallots, sliced thinly, fried golden brown
- 2 cups seedless cucumber, finely shredded
- 1 fresh pineapple, cut into thin strips [Substitute: 4 to 6 oz canned pineapple]
- 2 red onions, very thinly sliced
- 3 torch ginger [bunga kantan], finely chopped [optional]
- 4 red Serrano chilies, seeded, finely sliced [optional]
- 10 sprigs fresh mint leaves, stems discarded
- 12 kaffir limes, cut into halves
To Prepare :
- Using a mortar & pestle or blender, grind chili paste, belacan, galangal, turmeric root, shallots and coriander seeds into a paste
- Peel shrimp, save shells, roughly pound shrimp shells [if preferred, set aside a few shrimps in the shell, for presentation]
- In a stockpot add onion, garlic, 2 cups water, simmer 15-20 mins to extract maximum flavor, strain, discard shells
- Add shrimp to stock, cook until just opaque, remove shrimp with a slotted spoon, set aside for garnish [if preferred, cook a few shrimps in the shell, for presentation]
- Heat wok, add peanut or vegetable oil, add ground paste, stir-fry until quite toasted and oil starts to ooze from paste - do not burn!
- Add shrimp stock, bring to a boil, simmer rapidly 3 mins, then transfer into a stockpot
- In the stockpot, coconut milk, the rest of the water, lemongrass stalks, sugar, dried tamarind skins [asam gelugur ], curry leaves [optional], and season with salt and pepper
- Simmer on med heat for 20-30 mins
- Do a taste for salt and sugar, add accordingly and keep soup hot on low heat, for serving
- Using a sieve, blanch noodles in hot water to warm up noodles
- Assemble individual serving bowls - put some bean sprouts into a bowl, followed by a handful of noodles, ladle piping hot soup over noodles and garnish with a little of each - fried shallots, cucumber, pineapple, onions, mint leaves, torch ginger [optional], red Serrano chilies [optional] and a lime half
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