- 2 大匙油
- 1粒洋葱,切丝
- 1条红辣椒,切丝
- 500g 蕹菜
- 2 大匙马来栈三巴
- 1 小匙生抽
- 1 小匙糖
- 100g 虾米,浸软,剁碎
- 100g 红辣椒,打烂
- 100g辣椒糊
- 100g辣椒糊
- 100g葱头仔,剁碎
- 50g蒜米,剁碎
- 1cm马来栈
- 1小匙盐
- 1小匙盐
- 1/2大匙生抽
- 1小匙鸡晶粉
1. 虾米放进干镬里炒香,盛起。另将马来栈炒成香及粉状,盛起。
2. 烧热油爆香蒜米和葱头仔茸,加入红辣椒和辣椒糊炒香,再加入马来栈、虾米和调味料拌炒至香即可。
- 2 tbsp oil
- 1 onion, shredded
- 1 red chilli, shredded
- 500g kangkung
- 2 tbsp belacan sambal
- 1 tsp light soya sauce,
- 1 tsp sugar
1. Heat up oil, saute onion until fragrant. Add in sambal belacan and stir-fry until aromatic.
2. Add in red chilli, kangkung and stir-fry at high heat until well-mixed. Dish up.
Sambal Belacan:
- 100g dried prawns, soaked, chopped
- 100g red chillies, ground
- 100g chilli boh,
- 50g garlic, chopped
- 100g shallots, chopped,
- 1 cm belacan
- 1 tbsp sugar
- 1 tsp salt
- 1/2 tbsp light soya sauce
- 1 tsp chicken stock granules
1. Heat up wok (without oil ) and stir-fry dried prawns until fragrant,dish up. Then, stir-fry belacan until aromatic and form into powder. Dish up.
2. Heat up oil, saute chopped garlic and shallots until fragrant. Add in red chilli, chilli boh and stir-fry until fragrant. Lastly, add in belacan powder, dried prawns, seasoning and fry until aromatic. Dish up.
** Recipes by Alan Kok & Bryan Ong "Hawkerrs' Fair Simplied",2003
- 2 tbsp oil
- 1 onion, shredded
- 1 red chilli, shredded
- 500g kangkung
- 2 tbsp belacan sambal
- 1 tsp light soya sauce,
- 1 tsp sugar
1. Heat up oil, saute onion until fragrant. Add in sambal belacan and stir-fry until aromatic.
2. Add in red chilli, kangkung and stir-fry at high heat until well-mixed. Dish up.
Sambal Belacan:
- 100g dried prawns, soaked, chopped
- 100g red chillies, ground
- 100g chilli boh,
- 50g garlic, chopped
- 100g shallots, chopped,
- 1 cm belacan
- 1 tbsp sugar
- 1 tsp salt
- 1/2 tbsp light soya sauce
- 1 tsp chicken stock granules
1. Heat up wok (without oil ) and stir-fry dried prawns until fragrant,dish up. Then, stir-fry belacan until aromatic and form into powder. Dish up.
2. Heat up oil, saute chopped garlic and shallots until fragrant. Add in red chilli, chilli boh and stir-fry until fragrant. Lastly, add in belacan powder, dried prawns, seasoning and fry until aromatic. Dish up.
** Recipes by Alan Kok & Bryan Ong "Hawkerrs' Fair Simplied",2003
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